September 25 • 27, 2023

Fairmount Queen Elizabeth, Montréal
Presented by

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Panel 8

Panel 8

The Future of Finance: Harnessing the Power of
Generative AI

Presented by IBM
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Espace C2 (21st floor)


Jean-François Bérubé, Vice-President, Quantitative Strategies and Data Science, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ)
Alain Bergeron, Senior Vice-President, Information Technology (CIO), iA Groupe Financier
Daniel Grossi, Chief Technology and Operations Officer, Desjardins Group


Zlata Huddleston, Partner, Practice Leader, IBM Consulting Sustainability Services Canada



Embrace the future of finance as the dynamic fusion of generative AI unfolds, redefining the financial landscape. Discover the far-reaching implications of this transformative technology in areas such as investment analysis, risk management, and customer experience. What steps should financial institutions take to effectively prepare their infrastructure, talent, and strategies to harness the full potential of generative AI and leverage it for competitive advantage? How will generative AI revolutionize investment analysis, empowering financial professionals with advanced insights and predictive capabilities? What potential risks and challenges need to be addressed in integrating generative AI into risk management strategies?

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